
Wednesday, June 17, 2015

The Ultimate Life Binder Kit


- 26 insanely useful printables
- black and white, ink friendly design
- digital download
- prints out on 8.5 by 11" // A4

Every time you complete a project, you up-level your life.

- Name your project.
- Write out the summary.
- Identify the 4 main steps.
- Break it down into small steps.
- Connect with your motivation: write out how the completion
of your project will improve your life/career.

Mind-mapping helps you work with the way your brain likes to think. Get to clarity faster through mind-mapping.

- Mind map your project, day, goal, idea, life, etc.

The achievement of any goal - huge or small - comes down to the practice of a few key habits. 
If you can master those habits, you can master your life.

- Write in your 5 most important goals
- Identify the habits that further the achievement of each goal
for example:
Goal: Lose 10 pounds
Habits: Drink 8 cups of water, exercise for 30 minutes, drink a smoothie for breakfast
- Out of all the habits you came up with, identify your "Daily Dozen" - the 12 habits that are most important for you to work on every day.

Your success requires that you keep track of your progress. Use this weekly printable to track your progress, review it, and improve it.

- List your "Daily Dozen" habits and track your progress for one week.
- At the end of the week, you'll be able to see what habits need more attention.
- Write out what worked, what didn't work, and how you're going to improve.

If you can take the lack of clarity out of planning your next trip, you can go on more adventures sooner.

- Identify all your expenses and know how much your trip will cost.
- Calculate how much money you will have to save every month to pay for your trip.
- Brainstorm on what you're going to see, do, taste, and where you want to go.
- Fill in the "Make It Happen Manifesto" to put some emotional commitment behind your plan.

With a budget, you tell your money what to do, where to go, and how to serve you - instead of the other way around.

- Record multiple streams of income.
- List out your monthly expenses: rent, groceries, utilities, etc.
- Know whether or not you stuck to your budget and be able to see at a glance how you can do better next month.

What you focus on, expands. The first step to expanding your income is setting your intention for how much money you want to make and keeping track of every penny that comes into your life.

- Set your goal/intention for how much money you want to make for the month.
- Keep track of every penny and watch your income grow.

Know where your money is going and practice the millionaire habit of living within your means.

- Write in your budget amount for the month.
- Whenever you spend money, write it in and check off whether it was a "need" or a "want" in order to build more awareness around your spending habits.
- At the end of the month, examine if your "needs" and "wants" - do you need to manage yourself better?

Never waste money or energy on a late payment again.

- List out all your monthly bills: rent, utilities, car payment, etc.
- Write in their amounts and due dates.
- Check them off as you pay them.

Your mind is for coming up with ideas, not for storing them. - David Allen

- List out every money-making idea or opportunity that comes to mind.
- Pick the ones that you want to work on now and start generating some income!
- Whenever you feel stressed out over lack of money, return to this list and do something about it!
- Keep financial stress out of your life and do something to expand your income every month.

Start and finish every month strong with this one page overview of your goals, your progress, and your plan to improve as you move into the next month.

- Identify your top 3 goals.
- Write in your To-Do items.
Write in your income goal and your savings goal.
- List out any important appointments and events.
- List out the bills you need to pay and when they are due.
- At the end of the month, complete a review of what worked, what didn't work, and what you need to do more of and less of.

Before you can plan a productive day, you need to set your goals, tasks, and schedule for the week.

- Identify your top 3 goals for the week. Make sure they help further your top 3 goals for the month.
- List out your To-Do list for the week. Make sure your To-Do's are helping you achieve your weekly goals.
- Schedule in your events and appointments, and be sure to schedule in all of your To-Do's as well. What gets scheduled gets done.

Discover the key to insane focus and productivity by setting goals and reviewing your progress on a weekly basis. This will improve your momentum and performance so much!

- At the beginning of the week, identify your top 3 goals. Make sure your goals are big enough to stretch you and small enough to actually get done that week.
- Write in the steps you need to take in order to accomplish your goals. 
- At the end of the week, review your progress: what worked, what didn't work, do more, do less, wins/gratitude, lesson moving forward.
- Use the answers in your review to make an even stronger game plan for the following week.

The first step to living the life of your dreams is knowing what exactly that looks like.

- Write out your goals in every area of your life: lifestyle, financial, career, relationships, self-care, adventure, spirituality, new skills, and health.

Allow yourself to dream more, want more, have more, do more by filling out the prompts on this printable.

- Answer the prompts: what do you want to become, create, organise, simplify, etc?
- This printable simplifies the goal setting process.

Don't let your goals fade away. Keep them all in front of you and measure your attention to them on a monthly basis with this printable.

- List out all your goals.
- Write in when you want to start and complete each goal.
- Every month, have a quick "check-in" with yourself and ask yourself if you are satisfied with your progress so far. If you are, add a check mark to the goal. If you're not satisfied, then now you know that something has to change.

Make sure that every blog post you write is working hard and well to serve you and your audience.

- Identify the title, publish date, and category.
- Brainstorm and outline your idea.
- Come up with the key points you want to highlight.
- Make note of any photographs, links and affiliates you need to add.
- Identify your "Call to Action" (very important)
- Identify your overall purpose for your post.
- Check off the "Workflow" as you progress through it.
- Write in any To Do items
- Write in any feedback and notes for your next post.
 - Promote on social media.

There are tasks in your life and career that need to be completed on a weekly basis. For example, every week you know you need to do your laundry, write a blog post, update your accounting, spend time on marketing, etc. Instead of letting these tasks "attack" you as emergencies, identify when exactly in the week you are going to pay attention to each one. This will also help you plan your week and day more quickly and efficiently.

- Identify the different areas of your life. For example: Home, Blog, Family, etc.
- Write in the weekly tasks that according to the life area and day of the week that if falls under. 
For example: 
Family - Friday - Take kids to soccer
Blog - Wednesday - Write new post
Home - Saturday - Do laundry

Plan out your grocery list according to your meal plan and avoid impulse shopping and forgetting items.

- Use the prompts to write up a complete grocery list: bakery, fruit, vegetables, etc.
- Use the meal planner section to make sure that the food you buy will help you create the meals that you want to enjoy.

Watch your eating and exercise habits improve with this simple tracker. Tape this printable to your refrigerator and watch yourself make healthier choices more and more effortlessly.

- Every day, for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, record what foods you ate.
- Fill in the little circles to track how many cups of water you drank for the day.
- Record your exercise activity.
- Keep you diet exciting by coming up with a new recipe you want to try and the ingredients needed (Ooo, Pinterest!).
- There's even a space to jot in a quick shopping list.
- Take a moment at the end of the week to write in your "Progress Reflection" - bring more mindfulness to how you are taking care of your body.

Our brains serve us best when we have a regular "spring cleaning" of all the tasks, ideas, and random thoughts that bombard us and cloud our ability to focus. Use this printable to "get it all out" whenever you feel like your brain is becoming a storage unit when it should be a lean, mean, focus machine. :)

The first step to getting more control over your wardrobe and the image you want to present to the world is knowing what's in your wardrobe so that you can identify which pieces serve you best.

- Take inventory of your wardrobe and write in the items according to the areas that they fall under.
- List which items are your primary favourite items, secondary favourite items, and which pieces you want to donate/discard.

A balanced wardrobe is one that supports every activity of your life. Every time your lifestyle shifts, so should your wardrobe - otherwise you could find yourself more active in, say - business activities - and have nothing to wear but yoga pants! This is the reason why a person can be drowning in clothes and yet still have "nothing to wear."

- List out the major activities that make up your life.
- Take inventory of the clothing you have that goes under each activity.
- Now, assess everything and determine what additional pieces you need to purchase in order to round out your wardrobe so that it can support your lifestyle in a more balanced way.

Use this simple, streamlined day-planner when you have a day centered around appointments and getting things done on time.

- On this printable, the time slots start at 6am and end at 10pm.

Tell your day how you want it to go and live with more focus and intention. Your days make up your life and when you take the time to structure and organise your day, your life becomes more structured and organised as well.

- Map out your schedule.
- Identify your top 3 goals.
- Write out your To Do list.
- Record what your meals and exercise activity.
- Record your income and expenses.
- Write in any notes.
- List what you are grateful for.

Plan your day in a more fun and creative way with this printable.

- Schedule in your tasks and appointment under the "hour space" that they fall under.
- Use the box slots on the bottom to categorise your day into focus areas.

I hope you find value in this Life Binder kit. It's amazing how even just a little bit of planning and intention can completely change your life. This system has become a "home" for my world on paper and has helped me become the CEO of my life and take 100% responsibility in everything I do. I hope it does the same for you too. :)

Michelle Rohr
(the girl behind The Secret OWL Society and the Life Binder)